Aspose.CAD  Cloud for cURL

Convert CAD DWG, DWF & DXF Files via cURL

Build CAD processing cloud-based programs via cURL commands to export AutoCAD DWG, DWF & DXF files, scale, rotate, flip and edit drawings.

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Aspose.CAD Cloud for cURL helps create cURL-based CAD processing applications for cloud. It allows you to fetch image information of existing CAD drawings. Resize CAD image, flip CAD diagrams or rotate CAD sketches with ease.

Aspose.CAD Cloud for cURL enables your computer aided design processing programs to convert and export AutoCAD drawings (DXF) to other supported formats, such as images (BMP, PNG, JPG, JPEG, JPEG2000, TIF, TIFF, PSD, GIF, WMF), and fixed layout (PDF as a vector and as a raster).

Advanced AutoCAD Cloud cURL Features

Convert CAD drawing to other supported formats

Export existing AutoCAD files via Request Body

Retrieve image properties for CAD files

Change image scale of an existing AutoCAD drawing

Change AutoCAD image scale via Body

Rotate or flip existing AutoCAD drawing and retrieve via Response

AutoCAD DWG File Conversion to PDF

DWG, DXF, DWF, DGN, IFC & STL formats support

CAD drawings Export to Raster images

Ease of Use with Cloud cURL Commands

Aspose.CAD Cloud for cURL doesn’t require anything to install. Simply create an account at Aspose for Cloud to get the App SID & key. Once you have those you are ready to start using the cURL CAD manipulation solution.

AutoCAD DWG Export to PDF & Supported File Formats

Aspose.CAD Cloud for cURL allows developers to export AutoCAD DWG drawings to PDF & other supported file formats with just few simple commands. You can easily export DWG drawings to several other formats like BMP, PNG, JPG, JPEG, JPEG2000, TIF, TIFF, PSD, GIF, PDF and WMF formats. You can also get properties of an image with ease.

Fetch Properties to Scale, Rotate or Flip CAD Drawings

Aspose.CAD Cloud for cURL helps you retrirve properties of AutoCAD drawings and configure those properties, such as, image scale, rotation, and image flip. You are also able to convert or export AutoCAD files to various supported fixed-layout and raster image formats.