Convertir FODS en HTML dans le Cloud

Convertissez les feuilles de calcul Excel et OpenOffice avec le SDK Cloud open source pour Android

Conversion FODS en HTML dans les applications Android

  1. Créez un compte surTableau de bord pour obtenir gratuitement les détails du quota et de l’autorisation API
  2. Initialisez CellsApi avec l’ID client, le secret client, l’URL de base et la version API
  3. Téléchargez le fichier FODS sur Cloud Storage par défaut avec la méthode CellsApiUtil.Upload
  4. Appelez le CellsApi.cellsWorkbookGetWorkbook pour obtenir le fichier HTML résultant

Commencez avec Excel REST API

Obtenez le SDK Cloud Excel pour le code source ANDROID à partir deGitHub pour compiler le SDK vous-même ou rendez-vous surSorties pour des options de téléchargement alternatives.

Jetez également un œil à Swagger-basedAPI Référence pour en savoir plus sur leExcel REPOS API.

Android : conversion FODS en HTML

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
try {
    CellsApi api = new CellsApi(CellsApiUtil.GetClientId(), CellsApiUtil.GetClientSecret(), CellsApiUtil.GetAPIVersion(), CellsApiUtil.GetBaseUrl());
    String name = BOOK1;
    String password = null;
    Boolean isAutoFit = true;
    Boolean onlySaveTable = true;
    String format = "HTML";
    String folder = TEMPFOLDER;
    CellsApiUtil.Upload(api, folder, name);
    File response = api.cellsWorkbookGetWorkbook(name, password, format, isAutoFit, onlySaveTable, folder, null, null);
catch (Exception e) {


  • How can I get started with Aspose.Cells REST APIs?
    Quickstart not only guides through the initialization of Aspose.cells Cloud API, it also helps in installing the required libraries.
  • Where can I see the release notes for Aspose.Cells Cloud API?
    Complete release notes can be reviewed at Aspose.Cells Cloud Documentation.
  • Is it safe to convert FODS to HTML in the Cloud?
    Of course! Aspose Cloud uses Amazon EC2 cloud servers that guarantee the security and resilience of the service. Please read more about Aspose's Security Practices.
  • What file formats are supported by Aspose.Cells Cloud API?
    Aspose.Cells Cloud can convert FODS to XLSX, XLSM, XLT, XLSB, HTML, MD, XLTX, TXT, DIF, XLTM, TIFF, XPS, MHTML, CSV, ODS, TSV and more. Checkout the complete list of supported file formats.
  • I can not find the SDK for my favorite language. What should I do?
    Aspose.Cells Cloud is also available as a Docker Container. Try using it with cURL in case your required SDK is not available yet.
  • I do not have time to set up. Is there a quick demo for FODS to HTML that I can try?
    Indeed! Checkout the FODS to HTML Conversion App.

Other Conversion Options

Convert FODS TO XLSX (Open XML Workbook)
Convert FODS TO XLSM (Macro-enabled Spreadsheet)
Convert FODS TO XLT (Excel 97 - 2003 Template)
Convert FODS TO XLSB (Excel Binary Workbook)
Convert FODS TO HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
Convert FODS TO MD (Markdown Language)
Convert FODS TO XLTX (Excel Template)
Convert FODS TO TXT (Text Document)
Convert FODS TO DIF (Data Interchange Format)
Convert FODS TO XLTM (Excel Macro-Enabled Template)
Convert FODS TO TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
Convert FODS TO XPS (XML Paper Specifications)
Convert FODS TO MHTML (Web Page Archive Format)
Convert FODS TO CSV (Comma Seperated Values)
Convert FODS TO ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet)
Convert FODS TO TSV (Tab Seperated Values)

FODS What is FODS File Format?

A file with .fods extension is a type of OpenDocument Spreadsheet document format that stores data in rows and columns. The format is specified as part of ODF 1.2 specifications published and maintained by OASIS. FODS files cannot be opened with Excel, another Spreadsheet software application by Microsoft. FODS files can be saved as ODS using LibreOffice and can be converted to other formats such as XLS and XLSX.

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HTML What is HTML File Format?

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the extension for web pages created for display in browsers. Known as language of the web, HTML has evolved with requirements of new information requirements to be displayed as part of web pages. The latest variant is known as HTML 5 that gives a lot of flexibility for working with the language. HTML pages are either received from server, where these are hosted, or can be loaded from local system as well. Each HTML page is made up of HTML elements such as forms, text, images, animations, links, etc. These elements are represented by tags and several others where each tag has start and end. It can also embed applications written in scripting languages such as JavaScript and Style Sheets (CSS) for overall layout representation.

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