Convert XLT to SVG

C# library for converting XLT to SVG

Use the Conversion API of of Cells Cloud to create customized spreadsheet workflows in Net projects. This is a professional solution to convert XLT to SVG and other document formats online using C#.

Convert XLT to SVG using Cells Cloud SDK for C#


Converting file formats from XLT to SVG can be a complex task. Our C# SDK handles all XLT to SVG format conversions while preserving the main structural and logical content of the source XLT spreadsheet. Our C# library provides a professional solution for converting XLT to SVG files online. This Cloud SDK empowers C# developers with powerful functionality and ensures high-quality SVG output.

C# Code Example for converting XLT to SVG using Cells Cloud SDK

    // For complete examples and data files, please go to
    string name = "Book1.xlt";
    string format = "svg";
    string password = null;
    string outPath = null;
    string storageName = null;
    string destFile = "Book1.svg";
    CellsApi cellsApi = new CellsApi(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProductClientId"), Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProductClientSecret"));
    using (Stream stream = cellsApi.CellsWorkbookPutConvertWorkbook(File.OpenRead(name), format, password, outPath, storageName))
        using (Stream outStream = File.OpenWrite(destFile))

How to convert XLT to SVG using the Cells Cloud Net library.

  1. Register an account at Dashboard to get free API quota & authorization details
  2. Install C# library and add the reference (import the library) to your project.
  3. Open the source file in C#
  4. Use the `PutConvertWorkbook` method to retrieve the resulting stream.

System Requirements

  1. NET Framework 4.5.2 or newer
  2. Net Standard 2.0 or newer