Manipulate, Convert, Transform or Search Images
.NET Cloud SDK for advanced image manipulation in your C# .NET Apps to crop, flip, scale, rotate, search, convert & export images.
Get StartedAspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for .NET lets developers seamlessly integrate image processing features into .NET applications. This image manipulation Cloud SDK for .NET is developed on the top of Aspose.Imaging REST API to provide ease for the .NET developers who are looking for diverse imaging capabilities in their cloud-based solutions.
Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for .NET enables you to fetch image properties and modify them. It also allows you to resize images, crop larger images or a specific image portion, merge multiple images, scale image size, or convert it s file format, all via easy to use Cloud SDK. Using Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for .NET, you can perform extensive operations on TIFF images, such as, extraction of a single TIFF frame for cropping, resizing, rotating, flipping, or converting TIFF to fax compatible format.
Advanced Cloud Image Transformation SDK Features
Get and update image properties
Update parameters of JPEG2000, WEBP image
Resize or crop image and convert its format
Rotate or flip an image
Export image to another file format
Merge TIFF images
Convert TIFF to Fax compatible format
Use single API call to scale, crop, flip & export an image
Extract a specific frame from a multi-frame TIFF image
Crop, resize or get properties of a specific TIFF frame
Rotate and/or flip a TIFF frame
Extract specific frame from TIFF image to rotate, flip, resize & crop
Get Started with Imaging Cloud SDK
It is easy to get started. Simply create an account at Aspose for Cloud and get your application information. Once you have the App SID & Key, you are ready to give the Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for .NET a try.
Convert BMP to JPG, Crop it and upload updated image to Cloud Storage - .NET
// Get APP_KEY and APP_SID from
// Upload local image to Cloud Storage
using (FileStream localInputImage = File.OpenRead(ImagingBase.PathToDataFiles + "WaterMark.bmp"))
var uploadFileRequest = new UploadFileRequest("WaterMark.bmp", localInputImage);
FilesUploadResult result = this.ImagingApi.UploadFile(uploadFileRequest);
var request = new CropImageRequest("WaterMark.bmp", "jpg", 10, 10, 100, 150, null, null);
using (Stream updatedImage = this.ImagingApi.CropImage(request))
// Upload updated image to Cloud Storage
string outPath = "Watermark_out." + "jpg";
var uploadFileRequest = new UploadFileRequest(outPath, updatedImage);
FilesUploadResult result = this.ImagingApi.UploadFile(uploadFileRequest);
Extensive Support for TIFF Image Format
Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for .NET provides extensive support for TIFF (Tagged Image File Format). You can perform a wide variety of operations on TIFF images, such as conversion to other formats as well as other manipulation operations such as cropping, resizing, rotating & flipping. You can also append TIFF frames to another TIFF image or extract individual TIFF frames for further processing. Similarly Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for .NET enables you to crop, resize or get properties of a specific TIFF frame from a multi-frame TIFF image.
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