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Convert GIF to PDF via Cloud .NET SDK

Export GIF documents to multiple formats including PDF with Aspose.PDF Cloud .NET SDK

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How to Convert GIF to PDF Using SDK for .NET

In order to convert GIF to PDF, we’ll use Aspose.PDF Cloud .NET SDK This Cloud SDK allows you to easily build cloud-based PDF creator, editor & converter apps in C#, ASP.NET, or other .NET languages for various cloud platforms. Open NuGet package manager, search for Aspose.PDF Cloud and install. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console.

Package Manager Console Command

    PM> Install-Package Aspose.Pdf-Cloud

Steps to Convert GIF to PDF via .NET SDK

Aspose.PDF Cloud developers can easily load & convert GIF files to PDF in just a few lines of code.

  1. Create a new Configuration object with your Application Secret and Key
  2. Create an object to connect to the Cloud API
  3. Upload your document file
  4. Perform the conversion
  5. Download the result

System Requirements

It is easy to get started with Aspose.PDF Cloud .NET SDK and there is nothing to install. Simply create an account at Aspose for Cloud and get your application information. Once you have the App SID & key, you are ready to give the Aspose.PDF Cloud .NET SDK.

  • .NET Framework 2.0 or later


This sample code shows GIF to PDF Cloud .NET SDK Conversion

public static void ConvertGIFtoPDF()
    var localImageFileName = @"C:\Samples\Conversion\sample.gif";
    var storageImageFileName = "sample.gif";

    // Get your ClientId and ClientSecret from (free registration required).
    var config = new Configuration(AppSecret, AppKey);

    var pdfApi = new PdfApi(config);

    using (var file = File.OpenRead(localImageFileName))
        var uploadResult = pdfApi.UploadFile(storageImageFileName, file);

    var imageTemplatesRequest = new ImageTemplatesRequest(IsOCR: false,
        ImagesList: new List<ImageTemplate>()
            new ImageTemplate(ImagePath: storageImageFileName, ImageSrcType: ImageSrcType.Common)
    var response = pdfApi.PutImageInStorageToPdf("sample-gif-to-pdf.pdf", imageTemplatesRequest);
    Console.WriteLine($"GIF to PDF result: {response.Status}");

    Free App to Convert GIF to PDF

    Check our live demos for GIF to PDF conversion with following benefits.

      No need to download or setup anything.
      No need to write any code.
      Just upload your GIF file and hit the "Convert" button.
      You will instantly receive a link to download the result

    A PDF Processing Library to create cross-platform applications with the ability to generate, modify, convert, render, secure and print documents without using Adobe Acrobat. .NET PDF API offers compression, table creation, graph & image functions, hyperlinks, stamp and watermarking tasks, extended security controls & custom font handling.

    GIF What is GIF File Format

    A GIF or Graphical Interchange Format is a type of highly compressed image. Owned by Unisys, GIF uses the LZW compression algorithm that does not degrade the image quality. For each image GIF typically allow up to 8 bits per pixel and up to 256 colours are allowed across the image. In contrast to a JPEG image, which can display up to 16 million colours and fairly touches the limits of the human eye. Back when the internet emerged, GIFs remained the best choice because they required low bandwidth and compatible for the graphics that consume solid areas of colour. An animated GIF combines numerous images or frames into a single file and displays them in a sequence to generate an animated clip or a short video. The colour limitations are up to 256 for each frame and are likely to be the least suitable for reproducing other images and photographs with colour gradient.

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    PDF What is PDF File Format

    Portable Document Format (PDF) is a type of document created by Adobe back in 1990s. The purpose of this file format was to introduce a standard for representation of documents and other reference material in a format that is independent of application software, hardware as well as Operating System. PDF files can be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader/Writer as well in most modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox via extensions/plug-ins. Most of the commercially available software suites also offer conversion of their documents to PDF file format without the requirement of any additional software component. Thus, PDF file format has full capability to contain information like text, images, hyperlinks, form-fields, rich media, digital signatures, attachments, metadata, Geospatial features and 3D objects in it that can become as part of source document.

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