Merge XLTX to PPSM for Free in nodejs

Use a free app or Nodejs SDK to merge XLTX and PPSM, along with several popular formats from Microsoft® Excel.

Nodejs Code for Merging XLTX Files into PPSM: A Complete Guide

// Converting XLTX to HTML
var req = new model.CellsWorkbook_PutConvertWorkbookRequest({
    workbook : fs.createReadStream(localPath  + filename + ".XLTX"),
    format : "HTML",

Converting HTML to PPSM
const fileName = "uploaded.HTML";
const outPath = "uploaded.PPSM";
const api = TestInitializer.getApi();
return api.copyFile("TempTests/" + fileName, folderName + "/" + fileName).then(() => {
    return api.savePresentation(fileName, model.ExportFormat.Pdf, outPath, null, "password", folderName).then((putResult) => {
        return api.objectExists(outPath).then((existsResult) => {

How to Megre XLTX to PPSM in Cloud Apps

  1. Initialize WordsApi with Client Id, Client Secret, Base URL & API version
  2. Set requestDocument assign the local XLTX file name
  3. Set requestDocumentListDocumentEntriesFileReference and assign local PPSM file name
  4. Set requestDocumentListDocumentEntries and set file_reference, import_format_mode parameters
  5. Create DocumentEntryList instance and assing requestDocumentListDocumentEntries to document_entries parameter
  6. Call AppendDocumentOnlineRequest to merge XLTX file with PPSM document requestDocument and requestDocumentList
  7. Call WordsApi appendDocumentOnline with parameters

Get Started with Aspose.Total REST APIs

  1. Create an account at Dashboard to get free API quota & authorization details
  2. Get Aspose.Words and Aspose.Cells Cloud SDKs for Nodejs source code from Aspose.Words GitHub and Aspose.Cells GitHub repos to compile/use the SDK yourself or head to the Releases for alternative download options.
  3. Also have a look at Swagger-based API Reference for Aspose.Words and Aspose.Cells to know more about the REST API.


  • What is XLTX Format?
    Files with .xltx extension represent Microsoft Excel Template files that are based on the Office OpenXML file format specifications. It is used to create a standard template file that can be utilized to generate XLSX files that exhibit the same settings as specified in the XLTX file.
  • What is PPSM Format?
    Files with PPSM extension represent Macro-enabled Slide Show file format created with Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or higher. Another similar file format is PPTM which differs in opening with Microsoft PowerPoint in editable format instead of running as Slide Show. When run as slide show, the PPSM file shows the presentation slides with contents intact in the slide show and is in read-only mode by default. PPSM files can still be edited in Microsoft PowerPoint by opening it in PowerPoint.
  • How can I get started with Aspose.Total REST APIs?
    Quickstart not only guides through the initialization of Aspose.Total Cloud API, it also helps in installing the required libraries.
  • Where can I see the release notes for Aspose.Total Cloud API?
    Complete release notes can be reviewed at Aspose.Total Cloud Documentation.
  • Is it safe to merge XLTX to PPSM in the Cloud?
    Of course! Aspose Cloud uses Amazon EC2 cloud servers that guarantee the security and resilience of the service. Please read more about Aspose's Security Practices.
  • What file formats are supported by Aspose.Total Cloud API?
    Aspose.Total Cloud can merge file formats from any product family to any other product family to PDF, DOCX, XPS, image(TIFF, JPEG, PNG BMP), MD and more. Checkout the complete list of supported file formats.
  • I can not find the SDK for my favorite language. What should I do?
    Aspose.Total Cloud is also available as a Docker Container. Try using it with cURL in case your required SDK is not available yet.