Free online DOTM to XLSX conversion App via python

Use free online app or Python SDK to convert between DOTM & XLSX as well as several popular formats from Microsoft® Word.

How to Convert DOTM to XLSX on Python: Step-by-Step Code Example

#Converting DOTM to HTML
wordsApi = asposewordscloud.apis.wordss_api.WordsApi(GetClientId(),GetClientSecret(),"v3.0")

request_save_options_data = asposewordscloud.HtmlSaveOptionsData(file_name=file.DOTM + '/file.HTML')
request = asposewordscloud.models.requests.SaveAsRequest(name=remote_name, save_options_data=request_save_options_data, folder=remote_folder)
result = wordsApi.words_api.save_as(request)

#Converting HTML to XLSX
wordsApi = asposewordscloud.apis.wordss_api.WordsApi(GetClientId(),GetClientSecret(),"v3.0")
result = cellsApi.cells_workbook_put_convert_workbook(file+".HTML",format="XLSX")

Transform DOTM into XLSX with the Python Cloud SDK

  1. Initialize WordsApi and CellsApi with Client Id, Client Secret, Base URL & API version
  2. Set ConvertDocumentRequest with parameters local file name and format as HTML
  3. Call WordsApi convertDocument to convert DOTM document to HTML
  4. Initialize SaveOption from CellsAPI with parameters SaveFormat as XLSX
  5. Call cellsSaveAsPostDocumentSaveAs method to convert DOTM file to XLSX

Start leveraging Aspose.Total REST APIs for DOTM to XLSX

  1. Create an account at Dashboard to get free API quota & authorization details
  2. Get Aspose.Words and Aspose.Cells Cloud SDKs for Python source code from Aspose.Words GitHub and Aspose.Cells GitHub repos to compile/use the SDK yourself or head to the Releases for alternative download options.
  3. Also have a look at Swagger-based API Reference for Aspose.Words and Aspose.Cells to know more about the REST API.

How to Convert Word DOTM to other formats online

You can use Aspose.Words to transform DOTM files into HTML format. Then, you can input the HTML files to any of the APIs in Aspose.Total, such as Aspose.Cells, Aspose.PDF, Aspose.Email, Aspose.Slides, Aspose.Diagram, Aspose.Tasks, Aspose.3D, Aspose.HTML. This will allow you to output the files in hundred of different formats.

To see the full list of supported formats, please check the Aspose.Total Cloud page.

How to Convert MS Word DOTM to Image formats

Aspose.Words Cloud SDK produces few quick and easy ways to convert MS Word files to various image formats similar to what we have done above for XLSX: by direct REST API calls or using SDKs. There are multiple image formats accessible for converting Word documents with Aspose.Words Cloud APIs - JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, and TIFF.

  1. Create ConvertDocumentRequest object to convert DOTM document
  2. Call ConvertDocument method of WordsApi class instance for conversion from DOTM

Simple Steps to Convert DOTM to PDF Online

For DOTM to PDF please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the DOTM to PDF webpage.
  2. Upload your DOTM file from your device.
  3. Click on the “Convert” button.
  4. Wait for the conversion to finish.
  5. Once the conversion is complete, download the PDF file to your device.

How to Convert Webpage to XLSX format

To convert a webpage to the XLSX format, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the “Webpage to XLSX” website.
  2. Enter the URL of the webpage you wish to convert into the designated input box.
  3. Click the “Convert” button to initiate the conversion process.
  4. Wait for the conversion to complete.
  5. Download the XLSX file to your device once the conversion is finished.

By following these steps, you can easily convert and download webpages in the desired XLSX format for offline access and further use.


  • What is DOTM Format?
    A file with DOTM extension represents template file created with Microsoft Word 2007 or higher. It is similar to the popular DOCX file format other than it retains the user defined settings for reuse in case of creating new documents. Such documents are more often used in offices where a standard template file is generated with settings like page information, margins, default layout and macros, and is used to create new documents from it when required. DOTM files, however, save macros, that are a series of commands in the form of recorded actions for automatic completion of a task. This helps save time in carrying out actions that are repeated in completion of a task.
  • What is XLSX Format?
    XLSX is well-known format for Microsoft Excel documents that was introduced by Microsoft with the release of Microsoft Office 2007. Based on structure organized according to the Open Packaging Conventions as outlined in Part 2 of the OOXML standard ECMA-376, the new format is a zip package that contains a number of XML files. The underlying structure and files can be examined by simply unzipping the .xlsx file.
  • Starting with Aspose.Total REST APIs Using Python SDK: A Beginner's Guide
    Quickstart not only guides through the initialization of Aspose.Total Cloud API, it also helps in installing the required libraries.
  • Where can I find the Aspose.Total Cloud API release notes for Python?
    Complete release notes can be reviewed at Aspose.Total Cloud Documentation.
  • Is it safe to convert DOTM to XLSX in the Cloud?
    Of course! Aspose Cloud uses Amazon EC2 cloud servers that guarantee the security and resilience of the service. Please read more about Aspose's Security Practices.
  • What file formats are supported by Aspose.Total Cloud API?
    Aspose.Total Cloud can convert file formats from any product family to any other product family to PDF, DOCX, XPS, image(TIFF, JPEG, PNG BMP), MD and more. Checkout the complete list of supported file formats.
  • I can not find the SDK for my favorite language. What should I do?
    Aspose.Total Cloud is also available as a Docker Container. Try using it with cURL in case your required SDK is not available yet.