Aspose.3D  Cloud SDK for Java

Java Cloud SDK for 3D Models & Objects

Easily build cloud-based Java programs to create, transform, convert and process 3D Box, 3D Sphere, Torus & other 3D entities in the cloud.

Get Started

Our 3D manipulation Cloud SDK allows your Java applications to work with numerous 3D file formats, such as 3DS, AMF, RVM, DAE, DRC, FBX, gLTF, OBJ, PDF, PLY, STL, U3D, DXF, JT, X, and 3MF. You can convert the file format of a 3D object located on a cloud server. Furthermore, you can convert the whole 3D file as well as a specific part of the 3D file to another supported file format using our 3D REST API for Java.

Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java also assists your cloud-based Java programs to perform parametric modeling of the 3D objects, work with triangulate meshes, triangulate the whole file or a specific part of the scene and export it to another file. Extract 3D contents from a PDF file or extract raw data from a password-protected 3D PDF file.

Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java can also load external dependencies of 3D objects. You can also enhance your Java cloud via our REST API to work with various attributes of 3D entities, such as width, height, length segments, width segments, height segments, the radius of top and bottom cap of the 3D cylinder, phi values of the 3D Sphere and so on.

Advanced Features for 3D processing

Convert whole or a part of the 3D file to another format

Perform 3D modeling & data processing

Perform parametric modeling

Create 3D entities (Box, Cylinder, Sphere, Torus, Plane)

Delete the 3D object from a scene

Delete nodes with attached camera or light

Address nodes by object addressing path

Extract 3D contents from a PDF file

Extract raw data from a password-protected 3D PDF

Extract scenes and export to different formats

Work with triangulate meshes

Triangulate whole file or part of the scene

Cloud-based 3D file conversion

Create a cloud folder structure

Transform, translate, rotate & scale 3D objects

Get Started with 3D Modeling & Processing in Cloud

It is easy to get started with Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java as you need nothing to install. Simply create an account at Aspose for Cloud and get your application information. Once you have the App SID & key, you are ready to give the Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java a try on any platform.

Process various 3D Models & Attributes

Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java enables your Java programs to process 3D models and their related attributes in the cloud with ease. While working with 3D Box objects in the cloud, your Java code can process 3D box length, 3D box width, 3D box name, 3D box length, width, and height segments.

Similarly, our 3D Java cloud manipulation solution enables you to process various attributes of 3D cylinders, such as, radius of top and bottom cap, height of 3D cylinder, radial and height segments of 3D cylinder, theta start and length of 3D cylinder as well as set if the 3D cylinder is open-ended or not. 3D Plane can be processed by manipulating its length, width, segment length, and segment wdth.

3D Sphere processing and manipulation via Java are also supported. You can do so using Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java by working with height and width segments of a 3D sphere, phi start and length, theta start and length, as well as the radius of the 3D sphere.

Processing of Torus using Java is also quite easy with assistance from Aspose.3D Cloud SDK for Java. You can edit settings of torus radius, tube radius, tubular segment, radial segment and the arc of the torus.