Swift API to save XLSB as JPG

Swift library to save XLSB as JPG

Use Cells SaveAs REST API to create customized spreadsheet workflows in Swift. This is a professional solution to save XLSB as JPG and other document formats online using Swift.

Save a XLSB file as JPG in Swift


Saving file formats from XLSB as JPG is a complex task. All XLSB to JPG format transitions is performed by our Swift SDK while maintaining the source XLSB spreadsheet's main structural and logical content. Our Swift library is a professional solution to save XLSB as JPG files online. This Cloud SDK gives Swift developers powerful functionality and perfect JPG output.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells-cloud/aspose-cells-cloud-swift/
    import AsposeCellsCloud
    let expectation1 = self.expectation(description: "checkAuth")
    AsposeCellsCloudAPI.clientId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    AsposeCellsCloudAPI.clientSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        (authError) in
        guard authError == nil else {
    self.waitForExpectations(timeout: testTimeout, handler: nil)     
    let expectation = self.expectation(description: "saveAs")
    let name:String = BOOK1.xlsb
    let saveOptions:PdfSaveOptions? = PdfSaveOptions(enableHTTPCompression: nil, saveFormat: "pdf", clearData: nil, cachedFileFolder: nil, validateMergedAreas: nil, refreshChartCache: nil, createDirectory: nil, sortNames: nil, calculateFormula: nil, checkFontCompatibility: nil, onePagePerSheet: true, compliance: nil, defaultFont: nil, printingPageType: nil, imageType: nil, desiredPPI: nil, jpegQuality: nil, securityOptions: nil)
    let newfilename:String = "newbook.jpg"
    let isAutoFitRows:Bool? = true
    let isAutoFitColumns:Bool? = true
    let folder:String = TEMPFOLDER
    let storageName:String? = nil        
    CellsAPI.cellsSaveAsPostDocumentSaveAs(name: name, saveOptions: saveOptions, newfilename: newfilename, isAutoFitRows: isAutoFitRows, isAutoFitColumns: isAutoFitColumns, folder: folder, storageName: storageName)
        (response, error) in
        guard error == nil else {
        if let response = response {
    self.waitForExpectations(timeout: testTimeout, handler: nil)

How to use Swift API to save XLSB as JPG

  1. Create an account at Dashboard to get free API quota & authorization details
  2. Initialize CellsApi with Client Id, Client Secret, Base URL & API version
  3. Call cellsSaveAsPostDocumentSaveAs method to get the resultant stream

System Requirements

  1. macOS Monterey 12.4
  2. Swift 4.2