When developers modify a HTML document with this C# library, what is actually being edited is the Document Object Model (DOM). Thus, almost any changes can be made to the HTML document represented as DOM. With the provided .NET SDK, developers can easily edit a document: modify text, update tables, add images and so on. Just load a HTML, make the necessary changes programmatically and export the result to the same or any supported save format.
Our .NET library gives developers the ability to modify a HTML document directly by editing its Document Object Model (DOM), which means no additional software needs to be installed.
The most popular case to edit a HTML file is text editing. With the given software solution, you can add, modify or delete text using C# within the document.
Another popular HTML editing option is table editing. Our .NET SDK allows you to work with tables and text in table cells.
C# developers can add or remove table and table cells, as well as add, edit and remove text within them.
Besides editing text and tables in HTML, there is another common option: adding images to a document in C#. .NET developers can also add an image into a HTML file using DOM.
Try this powerful .NET SDK and evaluate some options in HTML document editing. Using the following example, load your HTML document and make some changes: add text, add a table and a table cell with text or insert an image into the HTML document:
using Aspose.Words.Cloud.Sdk;
var config = new Configuration { ClientId = "####-####-####-####-####",
ClientSecret = "##################" };
var wordsApi = new WordsApi(config);
using var requestDocument = File.OpenRead("Input.html");
var requestParagraph = new ParagraphInsert()
Text = "Morbi enim nunc faucibus a."
var insertParagraphRequest = new InsertParagraphOnlineRequest(requestDocument,
var insertParagraph = await wordsApi.InsertParagraphOnline(insertParagraphRequest);
var convertRequest = new ConvertDocumentRequest(insertParagraph.Document.Values.First(),
var convert = await wordsApi.ConvertDocument(convertRequest);
using Aspose.Words.Cloud.Sdk;
var config = new Configuration { ClientId = "####-####-####-####-####",
ClientSecret = "##################" };
var wordsApi = new WordsApi(config);
using var requestDocument = File.OpenRead("Input.html");
var requestTable = new TableInsert()
ColumnsCount = 1,
RowsCount = 2
var insertTableRequest = new InsertTableOnlineRequest(requestDocument,
requestTable, nodePath: "");
var insertTable = await wordsApi.InsertTableOnline(insertTableRequest);
var convertRequest = new ConvertDocumentRequest(insertTable.Document.Values.First(),
var convert = await wordsApi.ConvertDocument(convertRequest);
using Aspose.Words.Cloud.Sdk;
var config = new Configuration { ClientId = "####-####-####-####-####",
ClientSecret = "##################" };
var wordsApi = new WordsApi(config);
using var requestDocument = File.OpenRead("Input1.html");
var requestDrawingObject = new DrawingObjectInsert()
Height = 0f,
Left = 0f,
Top = 0f,
Width = 0f,
RelativeHorizontalPosition = DrawingObjectInsert.RelativeHorizontalPositionEnum.Margin,
RelativeVerticalPosition = DrawingObjectInsert.RelativeVerticalPositionEnum.Margin,
WrapType = DrawingObjectInsert.WrapTypeEnum.Inline
using var requestImageFile = File.OpenRead("Input2.html");
var insertDrawingObjectRequest = new InsertDrawingObjectOnlineRequest(requestDocument,
requestDrawingObject, requestImageFile, nodePath: "sections/0");
var insertDrawingObject = await wordsApi.InsertDrawingObjectOnline(insertDrawingObjectRequest);
var convertRequest = new ConvertDocumentRequest(insertDrawingObject.Document.Values.First(),
var convert = await wordsApi.ConvertDocument(convertRequest);
Install 'Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for .NET' using NuGet package manager. Just run nuget install Aspose.Words-Cloud to automatically install and reference the corresponding assembly in your project. As an alternative, you can manually clone Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for .NET source code from GitHub and use it in your project. Please follow these Instructions to quickly get the necessary security credentials and access our REST API.
Refer to the Repository Documentation to see more details.