Export objects of Excel
Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK supports exporting workbooks and internal objects to over 30 file formats.
Aspose.Cells Cloud REST API facilitates exporting workbooks and their internal objects to various formats and provides SDKs for multiple programming languages, including Android, C#, Go, Java, NodeJS, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Swift.
Export API
Choose files
using Aspose.Cells.Cloud.SDK.Api;
using Aspose.Cells.Cloud.SDK.Request;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
CellsApi cellsApi = new CellsApi("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
string filePath = "test.txt";
PostExportRequest request = new PostExportRequest();
request.File = new Dictionary<string, Stream>();
Stream fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath);
request.File.Add(filePath, fileStream);
request.format = "xps";
request.objectType = "Background";
Aspose.Cells.Cloud.SDK.Model.FilesResult result = cellsApi.PostExport(request);
Supported File Formats
- Microsoft Excel: Xls, Xlsx, Xlsb, Xlsm, Xlt, Xltx, Xltm
- OpenOffice: Ods, Fods, Ots
- Xml:SpreadsheetML, Xml
- Text: Csv, Tsv, Txt (TabDelimited)
- Web: Html, Mhtml
- Microsoft Excel: Xls, Xlsx, Xlsb, Xlsm, Xlt, Xltx, Xltm
- Microsoft Word/PowerPoint: Docx, Pptx
- OpenOffice: Ods, Fods, Ots
- Xml:SpreadsheetML, Xml
- Text: Csv, Tsv, Txt (TabDelimited)
- Web: Html, Mhtml
- Images: Png, Jpg, Gif, Emf, Svg, Tiff
- Other: Pdf, Xps, Dif, Json, Markdown, Sql
Popular Operates
Supported Develop Languages
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