Merge multiple Excel files

Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK supports merging multiple Excel files into a single Excel file.

Aspose.Cells Cloud REST API allows merging multiple Excel files into a single Excel file and provides SDKs for multiple programming languages, including Android, C#, Go, Java, NodeJS, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Swift.

Choose files

	using Aspose.Cells.Cloud.SDK.Api;
	using Aspose.Cells.Cloud.SDK.Request;
	using System;
	using System.IO;
	using System.Collections.Generic;
	CellsApi cellsApi = new CellsApi("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
	string filePath = "test.txt";
	PostMergeRequest  request = new PostMergeRequest();
	request.File = new Dictionary<string, Stream>();
	Stream fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath);
	request.File.Add(filePath, fileStream);
	request.format = "xps";
	request.mergeToOneSheet = false;

	Aspose.Cells.Cloud.SDK.Model.FileInfo fileInfo = cellsApi.PostMerge(request);

Supported File Formats

Input Format
  • Microsoft Excel: Xls, Xlsx, Xlsb, Xlsm, Xlt, Xltx, Xltm
  • OpenOffice: Ods, Fods, Ots
  • Xml:SpreadsheetML, Xml
  • Text: Csv, Tsv, Txt (TabDelimited)
  • Web: Html, Mhtml
  • Images: Png, Jpg, Gif, Emf
  • Other: Pdf, Json, Markdown
Output Format
  • Microsoft Excel: Xls, Xlsx, Xlsb, Xlsm, Xlt, Xltx, Xltm
  • Microsoft Word/PowerPoint: Docx, Pptx
  • OpenOffice: Ods, Fods, Ots
  • Xml:SpreadsheetML, Xml
  • Text: Csv, Tsv, Txt (TabDelimited)
  • Web: Html, Mhtml
  • Images: Png, Jpg, Gif, Emf, Svg, Tiff
  • Other: Pdf, Xps, Dif, Json, Markdown, Sql

Popular Operates


Supported Develop Languages