Ai Assistant
Hello, this is the AI assistant, which can quickly help you perform operations such as Summarize, BuildSpreadsheet, GetCode, etc. on the uploaded Excel files.

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using Aspose.Cells.Cloud.SDK.Api;
using Aspose.Cells.Cloud.SDK.Model;
using Aspose.Cells.Cloud.SDK.Request;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
CellsApi cellsApi = new CellsApi("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
var request = new PostMergeRequest();
request.File = new Dictionary<string, Stream>();
string filePath = "Book1.xlsx";
Stream fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath);
request.File.Add(filePath, fileStream);
request.outFormat = "";
request.mergeToOneSheet = true;
request.password = "";
request.checkExcelRestriction = true;
request.region = "";
var result = cellsApi.PostMerge(request);
- Microsoft Excel:Xls、Xlsx、Xlsb、Xlsm、Xlt、Xltx、Xltm
- 开发办公室: Ods、Fods、Ots
- XML:电子表格ML、Xml
- 文本: Csv、Tsv、Txt(制表符分隔)
- 网址: Html、Mhtml
- 图片: Png、Jpg、Gif、Emf
- 其他: Pdf、Json、Markdown
- Microsoft Excel:Xls、Xlsx、Xlsb、Xlsm、Xlt、Xltx、Xltm
- Microsoft字/PowerPoint:文档、PPT
- 开发办公室: Ods、Fods、Ots
- XML:电子表格ML、Xml
- 文本: Csv、Tsv、Txt(制表符分隔)
- 网址: Html、Mhtml
- 图片: Png、Jpg、Gif、Emf、Svg、Tiff
- 其他: Pdf、Xps、Dif、Json、Markdown、Sql